You thought you were the only one who liked SUPER FIGHT FIGHT!!! Well here are people cooler than you because they drew awesome awesome pictures for our awesomest of bands!

This piece comes from the wonderful Author of Cortland!!!

Another awesome piece from Cortland, this one depicts the band as monsterous badasses capable of decimating small towns!

A new piece of kickass art from Len of THESE DAYS. It's a nice action shot and unifies the relationship between the members of Ox Barf and wow it's just totally killer!

This piece speaks of incomprehensible amounts of badass and is by the ultimately awesome Frank from Brothers Forever - The Saga of Mediocrity

Here is a brilliant little comic done by that master of mayhem! Liberty Cabbage

This is drawn by TLH. He's totally amazing and made a cute picture of me (As my Ludwig Avatar) being an adorable little bunny wabbit. Read TLH's comic
Twice Destined

Apparently someone made snowmen in Bob's Yard

More snowmen

and another one? HIJOLE BOB!!! where did this come from?

Thank you everybody for the art!!! You Rock!

Don't feel too left out, you can always email and send me your wonderful art too!